You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.4. Sales - Credit Note Creation > Maintaining the Credit Creation Header > Credit Creation Header - Edit - Load Invoice
Credit Creation Header - Edit - Load Invoice

Use this option when you have entered an invoice to be credited in the Post Against Inv field on the Credit Creation Header screen. This loads all the invoice item details, costs and selling prices (and serial numbers if applicable) which you can then amend as required.

  1. Display the Credit Creation Header screen, entering or selecting an invoice number in the Post Against Inv field.

Refer to "Maintaining the Credit Creation Header".

  1. Select EDIT | LOAD INVOICE.

Micronet loads all the details from the original invoice header and lines.



You should only ever load an invoice into a credit note once. Loading an invoice more than once will duplicate the invoice lines and increase the amount to be credited.